Hoplon is a set of tools and libraries for making web applications.
Hoplon provides a compiler for web application frontend development, and includes the following libraries as dependencies to complete the stack:
- Javelin: a spreadsheet-like dataflow library for managing client state. Hoplon tightly integrates with Javelin to reactively bind DOM elements to the underlying Javelin cell graph.
- Castra: a full-featured RPC library for Clojure and ClojureScript, providing the serverside environment. (optional)
Install Boot and then generate a starter project with:
boot -d boot/new new -t hoplon -n hoplon-starter-project
(page "index.html")
(ns ^{:hoplon/page "index.html"} pages.index
(:require [hoplon.core :as h :refer [div ul li html head title body h1 span p button text]]
[javelin.core :as j :refer [cell cell=]]
(defn my-list [& items]
:class "my-list"
(apply ul (map #(li (div :class "my-list-item" %)) items))))
(def clicks (cell 0))
(title "example page"))
(h1 "Hello, Hoplon")
(span "first thing")
(span "second thing"))
(p (text "You've clicked ~{clicks} times, so far."))
(button :click #(swap! clicks inc) "click me")))
Hoplon has been thoroughly tested on desktop and mobile devices against the following browsers:
Note that the
element is not implemented for IE 8, and that older browsers that predate HTML 5 elements such asAudio
will not render them. Additionally, boot development tasks such asboot-reload
, which inject scripts into the browser to function, do not support IE 8 (which errors when output is written to the console without the developer tools open). Testing against these browsers is best done with simple or advanced optimizations turned on.
- http://hoplon.io
- Design Document (early version)
- The Wiki
# build and install locally
boot develop
Copyright (c) Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin. All rights reserved.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can
be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using
this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of
this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.