A Clojure library designed to wrap Pivotal Tracker's API.
This library doesn't do anything for any specific endpoints.
We figure that you will appreciate help with:
- Authentication
- Handling request vs. API parameters
- Pagination and parallelisation of API calls
- Error handling (such as hitting an API rate limit)
- Logging (and scrubbing sensitive authentication details from the logs)
We figure that you don't need help with:
- Reading documentation on endpoints and parameters https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api/rest/v5
- Making dates and times (Highly recommend the
library for this)
[pivotal-tracker-clj "0.1.0"]
(require '[pivotal-tracker-clj.core :as pt])
The main function is api!
and takes two required arguments, one optional argument and unlimited named parameters.
The first argument (to api!
but not api!!
) is an API token for Pivotal tracker.
There is a utility function pivotal-tracker-clj.core/token
that will attempt to extract the token from the environment variable PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN
There is also a convenience function api!!
that passes the result of pivotal-tracker-clj.core/token
into api!
If you're happy to rely on the environment variable for all your API calls (pretty common) then you can just use this instead.
For example:
(pivotal-tracker-clj.core/api! (pivotal-tracker-clj.core/token) "me")
is identical to:
(pivotal-tracker-clj.core/api!! "me")
The endpoint can be provided as either:
- An absolute URL e.g.
- A relative path e.g.
- A vector of path components e.g.
["projects" 12345 "stories"]
A hash map of options to be passed to the Pivotal Tracker API as per the documentation.
The options map will be treated differently depending on the HTTP method used, as per Pivotal Tracker's requirements.
For example, GET requests must use query parameters whereas POST requests are expected to provide JSON in the body.
No validation is attempted to ensure that the options passed are sensible for the given endpoint - please reference the documentation for this.
The options map is an optional argument to api!
Example, get all stories created after 2016-01-01:
(pivotal-tracker-clj.core/api! (pivotal-tracker-clj.core/token)
["projects" 123456 "stories"]
{:created_after "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"})
Additional parameters to http-kit
can be passed in as named parameters.
Notably, this allows for control over the HTTP method used.
Example, create a new story named "test post":
(pivotal-tracker-clj.core/api! (pivotal-tracker-clj.core/token)
["projects" 123456 "stories"]
{:name "test post"}
:method :post))
Copyright © 2016 David Meister
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.