Environment Selector v.0.0.4


Pretty basic tool to help with the testers to swap environments really quickly without having to download a specific build.
Displays a button in the top right corner that when selected,
displays an alert with the given possible backend environments that the user can select.


Select the button and an alert with the given environments will show up,
select the environment that you would like to use and simply restart the app.
Also, you can drag the button across the screen. Position it as you wish.

Developer Implementation

 Create an instance of the class(preferebly in the AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method) and pass it with the
custom object that holds your list of environments, any logic that you would want to be executed after
you selected your new environment should be added in the completion handler of the object's constructor.

  1. Declaration :
EnvironmentChangerController(envs: <T>, buttonImage: <UIImage?>, buttonTitle: <String?>, <completionHandler (<T>) -> (Void))  
  1. Parameters:

envs: <T> object that holds the environments you wish to change.

- Note: <T> object has to be of type String, CaseIterable to work.

buttonImage: <UIImage?> - If not passed, the parameter sets itself to nil and will not be read.
buttonTitle: <String?> - If not passed, the parameter sets itself to 'EN' and will be displayed as the button title.
completionHandler: <T> -> (Void) - Returns the T object associated when selected, also any logic you would like to execute after the new environment is selected you should add it here.

  1. Functions:
getSavedEnvironment() -> String  
  • Access the saved environment via this function.
  • Note: It saves the chosen environment in UserDefaults.
resizeFrame(newWidth: CGFloat, newHeight: CGFloat)  
  • Resizes the button with the specified height/width.
  • Note: If a image is set, the imageEdgeInsets are calculated and set as '(height + width) / 2'.
  1. Example with enums:
enum Envs: String, CaseIterable {
    case Production = "my.production.env"
    case Development = "my.development.env"

let envChanger = EnvironmentChangerController(envs: Envs.self) { selectedEnvironment in  

    ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENT = envChanger.getSavedEnvironment()  
    /// Logout user, re-instantiate server connection etc...  
  1. Notes when implementing:
    • If no button image/title is passed in the constructor, by default it will set the button title to 'EN'.
    • If a button title AND image is specified, the image is implemented and the title set will not be set.

Release notes

Version: 0.0.4:
• Added an default caching of the first environment that is passed in the initialization.
• Restructured and removed some unnecessary code.

Version: 0.0.3:
• Added configurable window/button size.

Version: 0.0.2:
• Removed one useless parameter from the constructor.
• Updated documentation.

Known Issues

• When a new environment is selected from Xcode Simulator, sometimes it does not load the new envrionment when restarting the app from Xcode.


• Implement configurable button style.
• Implement configurable starting button position.
• Implement sockets(?)