
Awesome Widgets For Blogger

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


For JavaScripts/Animation.js

Installation :

* 2. Select your blog.

* 3. Select theme >>> Always remember to backup first.

* 4. And click On arrow near "Customise" and click on "Edit HTML".

* 5. Now search for "" then copy and paste CSS And JS Code written below.


<!-- Animation by muneb.rf.gd -->

<script src='//raw.githack.com/muneebwanee/Blogger/main/JavaScripts/Animation.js'/>


html,body{cursor:url(&quot;https://i.imgur.com/qv4GdIO.png&quot;), auto;}

a:hover{cursor:url(&quot;https://i.imgur.com/V7YecMc.png&quot;), auto;}


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