BCA-102 Programming principles & Algorithm


to create programs given in the pdf: Program List BCA(PPA)


S.No Program Link
1 Write a program to print your name link
2 Write a program to add two numbers link
3 Program to calculate simple interest link
4 If an integer is input through the keyboard, Write a program to find out whether is input is an odd number or number is even or odd link
5 If an year is input through user, write a program to find out whether the year is leap year or not link
6 Write a program to find 5 subject marks and calculate percentage and division of student using nested if else link
7 Write a program to find 5 subject marks and calculate percentage and division of student using logical operators link
8 Write a program for calculating gross salary if (basic pay<1500) than hra=10% of basic pay and da=90% of basic pay if basic pay>=1500 than hra=500 rs da=98% of basic pay link
9 Write a program to print 1 to 10 numbers link
10 Write a program to print 1 to 10 counting by using while loop link
11 Write a program to print 1 to 10 Counting by using do while loop link
12 Write a program to print table of 2 link
13 Write a program to print table of any number link
14 Write a program to show nesting of loop link
15 Write a program to find even numbers between 1 to 100 link
16 Length and width of rectangle is given to you. You have to calculate area and parameter of rectangle and compare the area and parameter is equal or not link
17 Write a program to check that the number is prime or not link
18 Write a program to find greater number b/w 2 numbers link
19 Write a program to find prime number between 1 to 100 link
20 Write a program to implement break statement link
21 Write a program to implement switch case statement link
22 If a character is input through the keyboard, write a program to find ASCII value of the same link
23 Write a program to print ASCII values of all characters link
24 Write a program to show continue statement link
25 Write a program to print '*' pattern 90 degree triangle in 5 rows link
26 Write a program to use goto statement inside loop link
27 Write a program to print the following pattern link
28 Write a program to use macro without parameter link
29 Write a program to use a macro with parameter link
30 Write a program to add two numbers, using a user define function having return type and with parameter list link
31 Write a program to add two numbers, using a user define function having return type but without parameter list link
32 Write a program to add two numbers using a user define function without return type but with parameter list link
33 Write a program to add two numbers using a user defined function without return type and without parameter list link
34 Write a program for swapping using call by value link
35 Write a program for swapping using call by reference link
36 Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using recursion link
37 Write a program to calculate factorial of a number with a function link
38 Write a program to print Armstrong numbers between 1 to 100 link
39 Write a program to print Fibonacci series (15 numbers) link
40 Write a program to reverse the given number link
41 Write a program to print factors of a given number link
42 Write a program to Show the difference between static and const Static , Const


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