
A complete macOS dev machine bootstrap repository.

Primary LanguageVim script

macOS setup

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haf/osx/master/Rakefile && rake

End result

What it does

  • Installs xcode
  • Setup default osx settings
  • Installs brews
  • Installs casks
  • Installs zsh, iterm and sets them up
  • Installs oh-my-zsh with the bullet-train theme, sets 256 colours in the terminal and enables kubectl context visualisation
  • Asks and sets computer name properly
  • Asks and sets git name and email
  • Asks and configures ssh-agent with macOS' keychain to seamless pushes to git-secured repos
  • Installs latest go, node, .net core, etc

You can read Rakefile; it's easy to follow.

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