
Populate the quickfix with json entries

Primary LanguageLua


PR Lua

Populate the quickfix with json entries

If only one could easily browse and preview json files in neovim. Oh wait, nvim-jqx does just that!


Install it using your favourite plugin manager; for instance if you are using vim-plug

Plug 'gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx'

Notice that jq is a prerequisite, as this plugin executes jq queries internally.


nvim-jqx exposes two commands: JqxList and JqxQuery. Open a json file and issue JqxList: the json is prettified and the quickfix window is populated with the first level keys. Press X on a key to query its values and show the results in a floating window; alternatively <CR> takes you to its location in the file.


JqxList also accepts an optional argument representing the json type you want to subselect: for example JqxList number populates the quickfix with entries of type number only, so do JqxList string, JqxList boolean and so forth, respectively: this is quite useful for big files where you want to have a quick peek at, say, some numerical values only or similar. For a full list of available types see h: jqx-usage or simply hit <Tab> to show the autocomplete for available types.

To execute more complicated and generic jq commands use JqxQuery instead; the prompt helps autocomplete with the file keys for easy typing. Open a json file test.json and issue JqxQuery <my-query>: this translates into jq ".<my-query>" test.json as shown below

# JqxQuery grammar
JqxQuery friends[2].name
"Michael Marquez"

# jq equivalent
jq '.friends[2].name' test.json
"Michael Marquez"


Default commands

command description
JqxList populate the quickfix window with json keys
JqxList string populate the quickfix window with string values
JqxQuery executes a generic jq query in the current file
<CR> go to key location in file
X query values of key under cursor
<Esc> close floating window

Try it out directly with nvim examples/test.json -c JqxList.

For more in-depth description and explanations check the documentation :h nvim-jqx and links therein.

Yaml files

nvim-jqx works on yaml files too. It requires, however, to install yq. Try it out directly with nvim examples/test.yaml -c JqxList, or execute JqxQuery on a yaml file.


If you prefer key-mappings rather than commands simply bind

nmap ... <Plug>JqxList

The list of json keys is sorted alphabetically in the quickfix window: if instead you prefer having it in the same order as they appear in the original file, override the default configuration with (notice it requires jq >= 1.5)

lua require('nvim-jqx.config').sort = false

The default key to open a query in floating window is X: you can ovverride it with

lua require('nvim-jqx.config').query_key = ...

The default key to close the floating window is <ESC>: you can ovverride it with

lua require('nvim-jqx.config').close_window_key = ...


If you find this plugin useful consider awarding it a ⭐, it is a great way to give feedback! Otherwise, any additional suggestions or merge request is warmly welcome!