A package containing a few micro-interactions you can use to reward your users for little things and make them smile!
- andreystarkovWorld
- andrioidAalborg, Denmark
- chriskjaer@landfolk
- destructobeam
- didooHashiCorp
- divyanshu013@pspdfkit
- elizabetdev@xataio
- evert-smitThe Netherlands
- fragm3Rubrik
- gajusLondon
- gauiReykjavik, Iceland
- ghulamhussain@strongloop @dflairsoft
- greggbNYC
- hkjels@dnv-opensource
- itsrojasleonMexico
- jakejarrett@blackmagicdesign
- jmathewsUpraised Learning PBC
- jurassixfullstory
- lanqyShenzhen,China
- lkbr
- lvgunstCreating better payments @mollie
- madiodio@yatechnologies
- marcinwierzbicki@appstery
- martinvdiptiQ
- metagrover@openinvestco
- MicheleBertoli@enode
- montogeekBerlin, Germany
- phellipeandradeSão Paulo - Brazil
- RafalFilipekOrange
- RaikhenHanover, NH, USA
- rikukissaOpenCRVS
- robmarco@kelkoo-services
- sanohinSydney
- sebinsua〜
- sonnylazuardi@grab
- tobiastimm@accenture