

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AtomCMS 2.0

This is the repository for The Digital Craft's AtomCMS from the Developing a Dynamic Website from Start to Finish series.

The AtomCMS was created for learning purposes. The Digital Craft relies solely on funds from donations, YouTube ads, and private lessions.

Original Branch (1.0): The Original branch is for the first set of videos which had ended premature.
To switch the the Original Branch click here


Date Author Message
01-08-2023 thedigicraft I want to give a special thanks to v-dumitrescu for volunteering to make the security updates to Atom. His work has inspired me to Dockerize Atom and I will update everyone when that is ready!
22-12-2022 v-dumitrescu An updated version of AtomCMS 2.0 has been uploaded to the branch "AtomCMS-2.1". The new branch contains security patches for web application vulnerabilities.
More information about the web application vulnerabilities found in AtomCMS-2.0 here: https://v-dumitrescu.github.io/atomcms2.0-security/
5-17-2014 thedigicraft We have launched a crowd funding campaign to help us continue making videos that are free for everyone to watch. Please check out the fundraising page here. http://indiegogo.com/projects/the-digital-craft-needs-an-upgrade We really really need your support! Thanks for watching!
5-15-2014 thedigicraft We have created a "project status" page that lets you see what new features/videos are planning to add. You can see what we are working on currently, what is next, and what has been completed. This list is built from users requests and our own ideas for additions. http://www.thedigitalcraft.com/projects/
To suggest more features please visit our Facebook page and leave a comment! http://facebook.com/thedigicraft We really really need your support! Thanks for watching!
5-14-2014 thedigicraft We had taken a break from recording but we are back. I just updated the video list below to include all current videos up to video #72. Thanks for watching!
12-31-2013 thedigicraft We have started our AtomCMS new series title Developing A Dynamic Website 2014. This YouTube playlist has all of the videos that have been created to date.


  • Website DONTATE!, Watch videos, Schedule Private Training, More source code
  • Facebook Updates and more!
  • YouTube All of our videos
  • Twitter Because you have to have one right??

Video List

Part # Video Title & Link
1 Intro to the Series
2 Installing Xampp and Aptana 3.0
3 Setting Up The Project
4 UX/UI Simple Wireframe
5 File Structure Setup
6 MySQL Database Connection in PHP
7 Creating the MySQL Database
8 Creating a MySQL Table in PhpMyAdmin
9 Using PHP to Display Data from MySQL
10 Using the URL to Load Content with $_GET
11 Creating Custom PHP Functions
12 Creating a Template System with PHP
13 Creating a Dynamic Navigation / Menu
14 Use PHP Functions for our Template
15 Adding Custom Data to the $page Array
16 Use print_r() to View Contents of a PHP Array
17 Use jQuery to Create a Debug Panel
18 Styling the Debug Div
19 Creating a Settings Table in the MySQL Database
20 Controlling the Debug Console with Site Settings Table
21 Setup the Admin Panel for the Website
22 Creating a Table for Users
23 Creating the Admin Panel reusing the Frontend Code
24 Creating a Login Page with PHP
25 Styling the Login Page with Bootstrap
26 Creating a Panel with Bootstrap
27 Setup the Log in HTML Form
28 Password Protecting with Sessions using PHP MySQL
29 Creating the Ability to Log Out
30 Creating a Drop down Menu with Bootstrap
31 Create a PHP Function to Load All of a User's Data
32 Create a Sidebar with Bootstrap's Grid System
33 Create a List Group with Bootstrap
34 Create an HTML Form to INSERT Data into MySQL
35 Run an INSERT Query When an HTML Form is Submitted
36 Error Handling with mysqli_ error()
37 Creating a Dynamic HTML Select Box with PHP and MySQL
38 Using an Id or Email Address to Load User Data
39 Creating Slugs to Prepare for Clean URLs
40 Adding a Slug Field to the HTML Form
41 Auto select an Option from a Select Box
42 Adding the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor to the Admin Forms
43 Advanced TinyMCE Options
44 Using UPDATE to Change the MySQL Database with PHP
45 Dynamically Setting an Active CSS Class to HTML Links
46 Creating a PHP Function to Compare Values
47 Using Htaccess and PHP to Create Clean URLs
48 Understanding the Rewrite Mod in Htaccess
49 Using PHP to Handle a Clean URL
50 Changing the Setup File to Use the Clean URL Data
51 Updating the Navigation to use the Clean URLs
52 Fixing the Active State on the Navigation
53 Admin Template System
54 Setting Up Views
55 Creating a User Management Page
56 INSERT and UPDATE Query for Users in the Admin
57 Creating the HTML Form for Adding / Editing Users
58 Checking for Passwords Submission
59 Password Verification
60 Error Handling
61 Inserting Records and Adding Email Field
62 Troubleshooting
63 Starting The Settings Tool
64 Formatting The Settings Tool
65 Saving Settings
66 Adding a Delete Page Button
67 Generating a Unique ID Property
68 Adding JQuery to handle the Delete Button
69 Starting your AJAX Document
70 Removing an Element from a Page with JQuery
71 Adding MYSQL to The AJAX Document
72 Confirmation Box to Confirm Deletion
73 Adding Dropzone.js For Image Uploading


These are the features or topics that have been discussed in this project and which video they are first introduced.

How to read this table

Feature Name Video
Name of the feature Which video is the feature first introduced?

Features Table

This table is still being constructed...


Feature Name Video
variables na
constants na
arrays na
functions na
mysql connection 6
mysql queries na


Feature Name Video
toggle 19
ready 19
click 19
hide 19

Footer Stuff

Thanks for watching our videos!


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