Spacephone config

We've setup an Asterisk server with old Cisco 7911 IP phones. You'll find here the our installation and many configuration files.

More information about this phone:

Helpful Site for configuration: and



We use the Asterisk server for SIP and a tftp server that distributes the configuration to the phones.

apt-get install asterisk atftpd

Edit /etc/default/atftpd

# OPTIONS below are used only with init script
OPTIONS="--tftpd-timeout 300 --port 69 --retry-timeout 5 --mcast-port 1758 --mcast-addr --mcast-ttl 1 --maxthread 100 --verbose=5 /srv/tftp"

See asterisk/ folder for the configuration files, run ./ in that folder and copy all .conf files to /etc/asterisk/.

Install as VM

The server runs as a kvm image.

virt-install \
 -n spacephone \
 --description "Asterisk" \
 --os-type=Linux \
 --ram=512 \
 --vcpus=1 \
 --disk path=....../spacephone.qcow2,bus=virtio \
 --network bridge:br0 \
 --accelerate \
 --import \
 --os-type=linux \
 --os-variant=debianetch \
 --noautoconsole \


We used our dhcp server (ISC dhcpd) to give the sip phone the ip address of the tftp server.

Somewhre in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

class "cisco"
    match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier,0,37) = "Cisco Systems, Inc. IP Phone CP-7911G";
    # phone.mainframe.lan
    option tftp-server-name "<IP Address HERE>";

Depending on your sip phone you have to change the match string.

Web server for phonebook

We use lighttpd that serve only the www/phonebook.xml.

apt-get install lighttpd

Add to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

mimetype.assign = ( ".xml" => "text/xml" )

Phone config files

Download the SIP firmware from here. Use the zip version and unzip the content into tftp/

Create and edit the secrets file.

cd phone
cp secrets.example.txt secrets.txt

copy the tftp/ folder to /srv/ftfp


Copy everything in www/ to /var/www/.


Use this credentials after ssh login: User/Pass: debug/debug

Reboot the phone with **#** (in the menu).


tcpdump -vvlenx -s 1500 -X port 5060 or port 5061
tcpdump -vvlenx -s 1500 -X ether host e8:40:40:a2:3b:ef


Open asterisk console:

asterisk -crvvvvv

Helpful commands

sip set debug on
sip reload
core reload