
PHP Class for the CloudFlare API

Primary LanguagePHP

#CloudFlare API PHP Binding

This is a basic PHP binding for the CloudFlare Client and Host APIs.

Depending on the number of parameters passed, you can use either the host functions, or the client functions.

A PHP object is returned in all cases.

##Client API


$cf = new cloudflare_api("me@example.com", "799df833d7a42adf3b8e2fd113c7260b955b8e95ac42c");
$response = $cf->stats("example.com", INTERVAL_30_DAYS);

##Host API


$cf = new cloudflare_api("8afbe6dea02407989af4dd4c97bb6e25");
$response = $cf->user_create("newuser@example.com", "newpassword", "", "someuniqueid");