Install RabbitMQ locally:
Create a directory:
mkdir rapid
cd rapid
git init
Create an environment on heroku to host the Rapid:
heroku create
Make sure you have a verified Heroku account. This means you need to input your credit card information on Heroku. You will not be charged for anything in this exercise.
Create the Rapid:
heroku addons:create cloudamqp:lemur
Get the configuration variables for the Rapid:
heroku config
Copy the CLOUDAMQP_APIKEY and the CLOUDAMQP_URL and paste them somewhere.
Get the base from GitHub:
git clone
Rename it to the service name:
mv java-service-base [service name]
To build the project use:
mvn clean install
Then run the app with either:
java -jar target/java-getting-started-1.0.jar
heroku local web
Use ctrl+c to exit it.
Create an environment on heroku:
heroku create
Redirect git push
to point to heroku:
git remote remove origin
git remote rename heroku origin
Add the config values for the Rapid:
heroku config:set CLOUDAMQP_APIKEY=XXXX
heroku config:set CLOUDAMQP_URL=XXXX
First deployment to Heroku:
git push -u origin master
Subsequent deployments to Heroku:
git push
To view console output from app running on Heroku use:
heroku logs --tail
In the beginning just hard code values everywhere and focus on getting the correct message flow. Then focus on deploying everything to Heroku. Then add actual Postgres databases. Then add a front-end. Then add actual authentication and user management. Then make Amazon.
Whenever you make changes see how many of the services you have keep running.
A "fetch-product", or "fetch-product-page" event contains a sessionId, a userId, and a productId, separated by commas.
When the product service receives a "fetch-product", or a "fetch-product-page" event it should send a "display" event containing the sessionId, the string "product", the productId, and a product name.
When the gateway service receives a "display" event it prints the body.
Initially (for testing) it sends a "fetch-product-page" event. Running it should cause it to display something like:
When the user service receives a "fetch-product-page" event, it sends a "fetch-stock" event with the sessionId, the user's preferred location, and the product id.
When the inventory service receives a "fetch-stock" event, it should post a "display" event containing the sessionId, the string "stock", the productId, and the stock of the product in the location.
Running the gateway now should cause it to display something like:
When the recommendation service receives a "fetch-product-page" event it should:
- Store the productId with this users item from a cache table.
- Update the cache table with the new productId for this userId.
- Lookup the three most commonly linked productIds to this productId.
- Send a "display" event with the sessionId, the string "recommendation", and the three product ids.
- Send three "fetch-product", one for each productId.
Running the gateway now should cause it to display something like: