
The Drop Bears' robot code for FIRST Charged Up (2023)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Drop Bears' robot code for FIRST Charged Up (FRC 2023)


Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Setup pre-commit

Pre-commit is setup to automatically run formatters and linters when you commit.

pre-commit install



python robot.py sim

Deploy to Robot

Once on robots network

python robot.py deploy


python robot.py test

Code Structure

We use RobotPy's Magicbot framework

robot.py: Entry point, has mapping from driver inputs to high level robot actions.

components/: Abstracts hardware into robot actions.

controllers/: Automates robot actions, mostly with state machines.

autonomous/: Controls robot during autonomous period.

ids.py: Has CAN ids, PH channels and other port numbers.