Grabs the JSON file for the Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud.
Script allows for flitering and downloads the IPs into one big file it also makes a file just for IPv4 and IPv6
The script grabs the json file directly from Microsoft (no more manual updating needed).
- it will save to C:\temp unless you update the save location variable
- change your region filter as needed to suit your needs
- the filter includes null regions as some of the data doesn't have a region
- If the account that is running the script doesn't have read write to the save location it will error.
- deployed fix to no longer need manual updating of the Microsoft URI to download the JSON file. Thanks @erikplekenpol for the fix.
- deployed fix to auto create the save location if it doesn't exist.
- added DLURI which makes the script grab the MS JSON URI from a TXT file so the script doesn't need to be edited manually each week when MS release a new JSON file.
- Intial Release