
Naive attempt at using multiple microservices that implement the saga pattern with idempotency.

Primary LanguagePython


Naive attempt at using multiple microservices that implement the saga pattern with idempotency.

Note: expect no best practices / solid coding patterns / error checking / data validation here - this is a hello world of a handful of services to test out compensating transactions as a learning exercise, and as such is constantly a work in progress.

Rought flow:

person => POST JSON to frontend svc => frontend svc publishes JSON to pubsub (and tags JSON with UUID) => consumed by order svc & order created and publish to pubsub when complete => consumed by inventory svc & inventory updated and publish to pubsub when complete (error if insufficient inventory and publish to error topic) => consumed by payments svc & payment "invoice" record created (error if initial JSON contains some field to indicate insufficient funds to simulate failure, and publish to error topic) => can consume success messages via gcloud CLI from payment-complete topic \ payment-complete-sub subscription

janitor is a very naive transaction compensator service that listens to the error topic and takes compensating actions against the orders & inventory services to remove stale records if downstream errors are detected. records are stored in either Firestore collections and subcollections, and (with the exception of the users collection) are keyed on a UUID assigned by the frontend service, and records in those various collections will get purged during compensation. the UUID also allows for idempotency, as replayed messages will be ignored if an existing record with the same UUID exists.

If running locally, make sure you create virtual environments for each service and install the required packages in each service's requirements.txt. I also make heavy use of dotenv, and the makefile will generate .envs for your services.


set your project id as an env var:

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)



create pubsub topics

make create-topics

create pubsub subscriptions

make create-subscriptions

[optional] create .env files for each service using defaults

make generate-dotenv-files

Populate the user & inventory collections

python data-initialization-script/data-init.py

Using this stuff

test POST via curl

curl -X POST \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   -d '{"item":"widget","quantity":50,"user":"jack"}'
curl -X POST \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   -d '{"item":"wotsit","quantity":80,"user":"jill"}'

Generate an error in the payments service by including a payment-error key in the JSON payload, which will trigger compensating actions in the upstream services:

curl -X POST    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'    -d '{"item":"wotsit","quantity":80,"user":"jill", "payment-error":"null"}'

Generate an error in the inventory service by setting some massive inventory, which will trigger compensating actions in the upstream services:

curl -X POST    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'    -d '{"item":"wotsit","quantity":500000,"user":"jill"}'

Generate an error in the orders service by creating an order for a non-existant user, which will not trigger as no state has been updated yet in other services:

curl -X POST    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'    -d '{"item":"widget","quantity":25,"user":"jimbo"}'

Watch for message success by consuming from the payment-created topic:

gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull payment-created-sub --auto-ack

Watch for errors by consuming from the error topic (be sure to use the error-cli-sub subscription to avoid interupting janitor):

gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull error-cli-sub --auto-ack


  • add topic output from payments to message success
  • add status field to message
  • write browser frontend that can also consume the success and failure messages