
A Telegram bot to play Dungeons & Dragons

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Telegram bot for playing Dungeons and Dragons


Download main.py, monsters.py, dice.py, help.py files from main folder The bot uses the Python Telegram Bot Install it with pip install python-telegram-bot


  1. main.py, monsters.py, dice.py, help.py in the main folder are all required to be run individually to work
  2. Get your own bot and token from Telegram
  3. Replace TOKEN in all 4 files with your own token
  4. Add your bot to a group with your players
  5. Run all 4 files for the whole game to work

Player Commands:

Command Action
/start starts the DnD bot
/createcharacter [character name] Use this command and follow the prompts to create a new character
/printcharacterstats [character name] Prints a character's stats, add the name of the chharacter after the command
/help Open this help message
/roll[int] Rolls a dice with the customisable maximum value

Dungeon Master Commands:

Command Action
/createmonster [monster name] [health points] Creates a monster.
/attackmonster [monster name] [damage] Reduces health of the monster by a given number.
/changexp [character name] +/- X Adds or subtracts a certain amount of health from a character.
/changegold [character name] +/- X Adds or subtracts a certain amount of gold from a character.
/changehealth [character name] +/- X Adds or subtacts a certain amount of health from a character.
/inventoryupdate [character name] add/remove [item] [no. of item] Adds or removes a certain amount of a specific item from a character's inventory.
/printinventory Current state of the inventory.