Project Two

Build a client based CRUD application that will consume a given API.

  1. This application is client-based in that it will operate solely on the client-side.
  • It is a CRUD application in that the necessary features will thus be centered around offering users the ability to create, read, update, or destroy resources.

  • It will consume a given API because although you will building strictly a client-side application, you will be given an API for that application to interact with.


The period dedicated to projects in-class begins the afternoon of Thursday, October 2. On the morning of Tuesday, October 7, we will present to our classmates the progress we have made.

As with the previous project, we will meet at 9:30 on Friday and Monday morning.

The dedicated project period is known as a sprint. During this sprint, we will have daily stand-ups, or short meetings with our classmates and instructors, every morning. The purpose of the stand-up is to set goals for the day and support one-another in our development tasks. The purpose of the sprint is to fulfill a set of required features known as an MVP, or minimum viable product.

The end of the sprint is not the end of the project. The resulting application will be your first possible portfolio piece, and as such it would behoove us to continue to work on it in the months to come.

Each student will be responsible for their own project. This means the student has written every single piece of code that is not a part of a library, either by themselves or during a pair programming session. More importantly: the student must be able to explain what every piece of code does. Do not include code you do not understand!


Your job is to build the entire front end that will interact with and use this back-end service. This is known as "consuming a service". You have all been given the necessary code for the back-end service.

The docs for this back-end service or API can be found here

All of the code you write will be written only for the client-side. You will NOT need to update ANY of the server code to complete the MVP.

Until the MVP is complete please do not attempt to make adjustments to the back-end.

Feature Set

###Contact List

A contact list is an application that allows users to store and organize their contacts.

##Setting up the API on your local computer

  • If you have not used Bundler before, install it using gem install bundler
  • Run bundle install
  • Update the db/connection to include your postgres username
  • Create the database contact_list using psql
  • Use the db/schema.sql file to create your tables
  • To start the server, in the directory run rackup This will replace the ruby server.rb command we have been using thus far.
  • Use console.rb to ensure that your database is connected to the server