
🧠 💻 This project is a small prompt-completion application built with Open-AI's GPT-3 (DaVinci) and Next.js. Users can enter prompts of any complexity and expect a response in text form.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🧠 💻 This project is a small prompt-completion application built with Open-AI's GPT-3 (DaVinci) and Next.js. Users can enter prompts of any complexity and expect a response in text form. This application does not collect or store any data.


This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. React is used as the front-end library for creating UI components. Routing and node requests + API building are handled by Next.js.


Getting Environment Variables for OpenAI's API

OpenAI provides new users with $18.00 in free credits to be used in their first 3 months across their product lineup, including GPT-3 and Codex. Visit their site and sign up to acquire a key.

This will be used to authenticate access to OpenAI's API.

Change directory into the project's root and create a .env file.

cd OpenResponse
touch .env

Add the key to your .env file.


In the same .env file go to the next line and add the environment of the GPT-3 instance here. If you got your key from OpenAI's website, you can simply put the following -


While in the project's root folder, install dependencies.

npm i

Start the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.