
Rake tasks to ease the management of a ManageIQ/CloudForms environment.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Scripts to ease management of a ManageIQ/CloudForms environment.


Place the *.rake files in the /var/www/miq/vmdb/lib/tasks directory on your CFME appliances.


rake cbts:ae_domain:migrate

In a standard deployment you may have a domain where your code resides and a separate domain where you copy classes and create instances for configuration data. This allows you to easily modify code while keeping the configuration static.

Unfortunately this greatly complicates class schema changes. Instead of requiring that someone manually make schema changes in the configuration domain or delete and recreate it, you can write migrations in code that can be applied to the configuration domain. This is handled similarly to how Rails performs migrations.

All of the migrations should be in a single directory. Each migration is named according to the following format timestamp_migration_class.rb where timestamp is YearMonthDayHourMinutesSeconds ex 20160720143016 and the name of the migration class is converted to snake case.

Migrations are applied in order of their timestamps and their application is recorded in the domain under /Schema/Migrations. In subsequent runs, only migrations newer than the last recorded migration will be run.

Migrations are currently written directly using Rails so be careful when your write these. If there is enough interest we can implement a DSL similar to that of Rails.

Rollbacks are currently not supported so in the case of an issue you should roll forward to the previous schema.

Example migration:

# cat migrations/20160720155945_remove_api_location_from_app_connection.rb
class RemoveApiLocationFromAppConnection
  def self.up(ae_domain_name)
    # Code to perform the migration goes in the up method.
    klass = MiqAeClass.find_by_fqname("/#{ae_domain_name}/Integration/App/Connection")
    klass.ae_fields.find { |f| f.name == 'api_location' }.destroy


cd /var/www/miq/vmdb
rake cbts:ae_domain:migrate[Config-Domain,/repository/migrations]

rake cbts:ae_domain:mark_up_to_date

When first bringing a deployed system under management via domain migrations, any configuration that was applied manually must be marked as having already been executed so they are not run again.

This command will mark all of the migrations in the migration directory as having been executed without actually executing them. Ideally this should only be done for older systems and only done when bringing them under management. If you find yourself running this multiple times on the same system it is probably an indication that something is wrong with your schema management process.

For any new systems the migrations should be built in a way that they can all be run to get the domain in the shape it needs to be. In other words, this command should not apply to new systems.


cd /var/www/miq/vmdb
rake cbts:ae_domain:mark_up_to_date[Config-Domain,/repository/migrations]

Basic automate domain management.

rake cbts:ae_domain:create[ae_domain,tenant_name]               # Create an empty automate domain for the tenant
rake cbts:ae_domain:delete[ae_domain]                           # Delete the automate domain
rake cbts:ae_domain:disable[ae_domain]                          # Disable the automate domain
rake cbts:ae_domain:enable[ae_domain]                           # Enable the automate domain
rake cbts:ae_domain:get_domain_below[ae_domain]                 # Return the name of the domain below this one
rake cbts:ae_domain:is_enabled[ae_domain]                       # Determine if the domain is enabled
rake cbts:ae_domain:list                                        # List the automate domains in priority order
rake cbts:ae_domain:rename[ae_domain,new_name]                  # Rename the automate domain
rake cbts:ae_domain:reorder_above[domain_to_move,above_domain]  # Move the priority of a domain above another