
COM402 Spring 2018 @ EPFL: HW5-Ex1

Primary LanguageC

COM402 Homework 1 - Exercise 5: Stack Smashing

The goal of this exercise is to gain hands-on experience with the effects of buffer overflows and other memory-safety bugs. Your goal is to understand the vulnerabilities in four target programs, and write an exploit for each target program.

VM Images

You will test your exploits within the virtual machine (VM) we provide that is configured with Debian Lenny that has the address space layout randomization (ASLR) turned off.



Tips for the VM Images

  • User account username/password: user/user
  • Root account username/password: root/root


It's most convenient to access the VM via SSH (copy-paste works better, and you can transfer files both way using the scp command). The images we provide use the Network Address Translation (NAT) networking mode by default.

If you're using VirtualBox, for example, you need to do the following steps to set up NAT networking:

  • Open the settings of your image
  • Go to the "Networking" panel
  • Choose "Advanced" and click on the "Port forwarding" button
  • Add a forwarding rule (green "plus" button on the side)
  • In the forwarding rule, leave IP addresses empty, set Host port to 2222, and Guest port to 22 (the default SSH port)
  • Restart the virtual machine

Now, you can connect to your virtual machine via ssh: ssh -p 2222 user@

This is how you copy files TO the VM: scp -P 2222 <path_to_copy_from_on_host_OS> user@<path_to_copy_to_on_guest_OS>

Copy files FROM the VM: scp -P 2222 user@<path_to_copy_from_on_guest_OS> <path_to_copy_to_on_host_OS>


This assignment is based in part on materials from Prof. Hovav Shacham at UC San Diego, Prof. Dan Boneh at Stanford and Adam Everspaugh at UW Madison. Thanks for their hard work.