
Queue students until there are available assistants - Usable as a zoom dispatcher for multi-assistant

Primary LanguagePython


Main goal: Queue/dispatch students to teaching assistants.


  • Queue students until an assistant is online and available
  • Chat in the browser
  • Call in the browser
  • Share screen in the browser
  • "Zoom integration" : launch call on zoom rather than in the browser

This repo was not initially made for sharing purpose - a couple of files will have to be adapted.
The install-instructions of this repo have not been tested.

Installing the server

  • Install requirements (with python3-pip: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt)
  • Install redis-server (ubuntu: sudo apt-get install redis-server)
  • Create and seed db: python3 db.py seed

Starting server

  • Start redis-server (with redis-server redis.conf where redis.conf is your redis configuration file)
  • Start flask server with python3 run.py or use gunicorn with gunicorn -k gevent -w 4 -b localhost:8000 run:app