
Command-line tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Command-line tool for creating components directory structure.

Установить глобально

npm i -g reasty
  • Если хотите попробовать reasty, но не хочется устанавливать в глобал, тогда используйте npx. Доступен с npm@5.

    npm i reasty --save-dev
    npx reasty some/path/to/new/component

Add .reastyrc to the root of your project, with options.

    "basedir": "src/components",
    "newline": "\n",
    "indent": "  ",
    "file_write_options": "utf8",
    "files": {
        ".": {
            "filename": "{{NAME}}",
            "styleImport": "_",
            "content": "{{NEWLINE}}.{{NAME}} {{NEWLINE}}{{INDENT}}// your code here{{NEWLINE}}",
            "extension": "styl"
        "_": {
            "filename": "__",
            "content": "// your vars and mixins here{{NEWLINE}}",
            "extension": "styl"
        "z": {
            "filename": "{{NAME}}",
            "extension": "js",
            "content": "// your code here{{NEWLINE}}"

Use from command line to generate files.

reasty common/header or npx reasty common/header
// src/components/common/header/header.styl
// src/components/common/header/header.js
// src/components/common/header/__.styl
reasty navigation or npx reasty navigation
// src/components/navigation/navigation.styl
// src/components/navigation/navigation.js
// src/components/navigation/__.styl