
A simple kmp template project utilizing an efficient mvi architecture for shared viewModels.

Primary LanguageKotlin


ThePost is a template for creating cross-platform applications using Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP). It provides a basic file structure and includes tools and libraries for efficient development, such as a version catalog for dependencies, a Shared MVI (Model-View-Intent) architecture with Kotlin Flows and Coroutines, Kermit logger, Ktor HTTP client, Koin dependency injection, and SQLDelight for database integration.

Screen Shoots


Project Structure

The project is organized into the following directories:

  • commonMain: Shared code for all platforms.
  • androidMain: Android-specific code.
  • iosMain: iOS-specific code.
  • shared: Common code used across platforms.

Managing Dependencies

A version catalog is used to manage dependencies, making it easy to maintain and update libraries.

Shared MVI View Model

ThePost follows the MVI architecture pattern for managing UI state. It includes a shared ViewModel using Kotlin Flows and Coroutines to handle business logic and UI updates efficiently across platforms.

Logging with Kermit

Kermit is used for logging, offering configurable logging levels to help debug your application.

Network Requests with Ktor

Ktor is used for making network requests. It provides a flexible and asynchronous way to perform HTTP operations on all platforms.

Dependency Injection with Koin

Koin is used for dependency injection, making it easy to manage and inject dependencies in your KMP project.

Database Operations with SQLDelight

SQLDelight is integrated for database operations. It provides type-safe database queries and helps maintain a consistent data layer across platforms.

Getting Started

To use this template, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open the project in your preferred Kotlin IDE.
  3. Customize the project to fit your application's needs.
  4. Use the shared code in your platform-specific projects to create your app.


Feel free to contribute to this project or use it as a starting point for your Kotlin Multiplatform project. If you have any questions or need assistance, please open an issue in this repository.

Happy coding! 🚀