OpenMPI benchmark collection

Currently there are:

  • Distributed insertion sort (Not very effective)
  • Distributed matrix multiplication (Also not very effective)
  • Distributed addition (kind-a effective)


  • Distributed Strassen
  • Distributed Quick/mergesort
  • Distributed DFS over large trees
  • Distributed PI
  • Distributed solution to SAT/TSP problems (very inefficient)

Let's hope we don't run out of time yet...

To use:

mpirun -np [num of workers per host] --hostfile [path-to-hostfile] ./MPI_Test_Programs [Test|Matrix|Addition|TestConcept|Sort] <Optional args per selection>

Arguments for Matrix:

  • --size <SIZE> specifies the size of the rectangular matrix A, B="SIZE*SIZE"
  • -G <G> specifies the number of rows distributed to each host. The partition algorithm we use guarantees a minimal fairness of one row per host but may encounter errors when granularity is very, very large.

Arguments for Addition:

  • <Target> The number we're going to reach.

Arguments for Sort:

...More to be added.