Simple command parser for microcontrollers
The full documentation can be found on the project's gh-pages site.
uCmd is a very simple command line parser designed for use in microcontrollers. It is just a function pointer typedef, struct typedef and a single interface funcion. Check out \ref example to get started quickly.
// define some command callbacks
int print_help_cb(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Available Commands:\n");
Command *p = my_cmd_list;
while (p->cmd) {
printf("\t%s \t%s\n", p->cmd, p->help);
return 0;
int led_cb(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 2)
printf("requires argument of 'ON' or 'OFF'\n");
if (strcmp(argv[1], "ON")==0) {
} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "OFF")==0) {
// define command list
Command my_cmd_list[] = {
.cmd = "?",
.help = "print available commands with their help text",
.fn = print_help_cb,
.cmd = "led",
.help = "<ON|OFF> turns led on or off",
.fn = led_cb,
{}, // null list terminator DON'T FORGET THIS!
int main()
char *str1 = "?";
char *str2 = "led ON";
char *str2 = "bad cmd";
ucmd_parse(my_cmd_list, " ", str1); // prints help message
ucmd_parse(my_cmd_list, " ", str2); // turns led on
int ret = ucmd_parse(my_cmd_list, " ", str3); // ret == UCMD_CMD_NOT_FOUND