
🤗💖 A VS Code extension that displays self-care reminders from @tinycarebot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

tinycarecode 🤗💖

A VS Code extension that displays self-care reminders from @tinycarebot, inspired by tiny-care-terminal!

How to use:

  1. Install the extension here.
  2. Go here to create a new Twitter app and get your API keys.
  3. Go to your settings (File > Preferences > Settings), find the tinycarecode drop-down menu, and input the keys.
    • You may also change refresh_after (the number of minutes until a new reminder shows up) here.
  4. Refresh the window. If everything is working fine, your status bar should now have a 🤗💖: please take care message!

tinycarecode in action