
Automatically connect with cjdns peers on the LAN, courtesy of avahi/zeroconf

Primary LanguagePython

Note: This is silly and useless now thanks to the ETHInterface that was introduced into cjdns some time ago


Automatically connect with cjdns peers on the LAN, courtesy of avahi/zeroconf.


python-avahi python-gobject avahi-daemon

These are the names of the debian/ubuntu packages that I had to install to get it working. I think that's all, please let me know if there's anything else or a more proper name for any of them


First run config.py to generate a config file.

Run python broadcast.py to broadcast the service. For the time being it will broadcast until the enter key or ctrl-c is pressed

Run python discover.py to discover peers on the LAN.

Please note that this is still in development and probably wont work. You're on your own.


Some ideas I've had, please feel free to submit pull requests for these or other features: