Python 3.7 and above:
pip install "python-harvest-2"
Create a Personal Access Token in the Developers page on Harvest as documented in the Harvest documentation
import harvest
from harvest.dataclasses import *
personal_access_token = PersonalAccessToken("ACCOUNT ID", "PERSONAL TOKEN")
client = harvest.Harvest("", personal_access_token)
Create an OAuth2 application in the Developers page on Harvest as documented in the Harvest documentation
Authentication needs to occur before you make your Harvest client.
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from oauthlib.oauth2 import WebApplicationClient
from dacite import from_dict
import harvest
from harvest.dataclasses import *
webclient = WebApplicationClient(client_id="CLIENT ID")
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=webclient)
authorization_url, state = oauth.authorization_url("")
print("Browse to here in your web browser and authenticate: ", authorization_url)
response_uri = input("Please copy the resulting URL from your browser and paste here:")
harv = OAuth2Session("CLIENT ID", state=state)
token = harv.fetch_token("", client_secret="CLIENT SECRET", authorization_response=response_uri, state=state)
oauth2_serverside_token = from_dict(data_class=OAuth2_ServerSide_Token, data=token)
oauth2_serverside = OAuth2_ServerSide(client_id="CLIENT ID", client_secret="CLIENT SECRET", token=oauth2_serverside_token, refresh_url="")
client = harvest.Harvest("", oauth2_serverside)
Create an OAuth2 application in the Developers page on Harvest as documented in the Harvest documentation
Authentication needs to occur before you make your Harvest client.
from oauthlib.oauth2 import MobileApplicationClient
from dacite import from_dict
import harvest
from harvest.dataclasses import *
mobileclient = MobileApplicationClient(client_id="CLIENT ID")
url = mobileclient.prepare_request_uri("")
print("Browse to here in your web browser and authenticate: ", url)
response_uri = input("Please copy the resulting URL from your browser and paste here:")
response_uri = response_uri.replace('callback?', 'callback#')
token = mobileclient.parse_request_uri_response(response_uri)
oauth2_clientside_token = from_dict(data_class=OAuth2_ClientSide_Token, data=token)
client = harvest.Harvest("", oauth2_clientside_token)
You must create a Personal Access Token in Harvest first.
The PersonalAccessToken class is found in the dataclass module:
from harvest.dataclasses import *
personal_access_token = PersonalAccessToken(account_id="ACCOUNT ID", access_token="ACCESS TOKEN")
You must create an OAuth2 Application in Harvest first.
Then you need to authenticate against Harvest to get your token.
Token must look like this:
from harvest.dataclasses import *
authorization_code_flow_token = OAuth2_ServerSide_Token(access_token="ACCESS TOKEN", refresh_token="REFRESH TOKEN", expires_in="EXPIRES IN", expires_at="EXPIRES AT")
authorization_code_flow = OAuth2_ServerSide(client_id="CLIENT ID", client_secret="CLIENT SECRET", token=authorization_code_flow_token, refresh_url="REFRESH URL")
You must create an OAuth2 Application in Harvest first.
Then you need to authenticate against Harvest to get your token.
Token must look like this:
from harvest.dataclasses import *
implicit_code_flow_token = OAuth2_ClientSide_Token(access_token="ACCESS TOKEN", expires_in="EXPIRES IN", token_type="Bearer", scope=["Harvest:ACCOUNTID", "Forecast:ACCOUNTID"])
From the root python-harvest_apiv2 directory
python -m unittest discover -p "*"
Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request and make sure you adhere to PEP-8 coding guidelines. I'll review your patch and will accept if it looks good.
No current TODOs. :D
python-harvest_apiv2 is licensed under Apache 2.0. See LICENSE for more details.