
Harvest Time Tracking API v2 Client

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Version License Versions


Python 3.7 and above:

pip install "python-harvest-2"


Personal Access Token

Create a Personal Access Token in the Developers page on Harvest as documented in the Harvest documentation https://help.getharvest.com/api-v2/authentication-api/authentication/authentication/

import harvest
from harvest.dataclasses import *

personal_access_token = PersonalAccessToken("ACCOUNT ID", "PERSONAL TOKEN")
client = harvest.Harvest("https://api.harvestapp.com/api/v2", personal_access_token)


For Server Side Applications

Create an OAuth2 application in the Developers page on Harvest as documented in the Harvest documentation https://help.getharvest.com/api-v2/authentication-api/authentication/authentication/

Authentication needs to occur before you make your Harvest client.

from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from oauthlib.oauth2 import WebApplicationClient
from dacite import from_dict

import harvest
from harvest.dataclasses import *

webclient = WebApplicationClient(client_id="CLIENT ID")
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=webclient)

authorization_url, state = oauth.authorization_url("https://id.getharvest.com/oauth2/authorize")
print("Browse to here in your web browser and authenticate: ", authorization_url)
response_uri = input("Please copy the resulting URL from your browser and paste here:")

harv = OAuth2Session("CLIENT ID", state=state)
token = harv.fetch_token("https://id.getharvest.com/api/v2/oauth2/token", client_secret="CLIENT SECRET", authorization_response=response_uri, state=state)
oauth2_serverside_token = from_dict(data_class=OAuth2_ServerSide_Token, data=token)
oauth2_serverside = OAuth2_ServerSide(client_id="CLIENT ID", client_secret="CLIENT SECRET", token=oauth2_serverside_token, refresh_url="https://id.getharvest.com/api/v2/oauth2/token")

client = harvest.Harvest("https://api.harvestapp.com/api/v2", oauth2_serverside)


For Client Side Applications

Create an OAuth2 application in the Developers page on Harvest as documented in the Harvest documentation https://help.getharvest.com/api-v2/authentication-api/authentication/authentication/

Authentication needs to occur before you make your Harvest client.

from oauthlib.oauth2 import MobileApplicationClient
from dacite import from_dict

import harvest
from harvest.dataclasses import *

mobileclient = MobileApplicationClient(client_id="CLIENT ID")

url = mobileclient.prepare_request_uri("https://id.getharvest.com/oauth2/authorize")
print("Browse to here in your web browser and authenticate: ", url)
response_uri = input("Please copy the resulting URL from your browser and paste here:")

response_uri = response_uri.replace('callback?', 'callback#')
token = mobileclient.parse_request_uri_response(response_uri)
oauth2_clientside_token = from_dict(data_class=OAuth2_ClientSide_Token, data=token)

client = harvest.Harvest("https://api.harvestapp.com/api/v2", oauth2_clientside_token)


How to use Personal Access Tokens

You must create a Personal Access Token in Harvest first. https://id.getharvest.com/developers

The PersonalAccessToken class is found in the dataclass module:

from harvest.dataclasses import *

personal_access_token = PersonalAccessToken(account_id="ACCOUNT ID", access_token="ACCESS TOKEN")

How to use OAuth2 for Server Side Applications

You must create an OAuth2 Application in Harvest first. https://id.getharvest.com/developers

Then you need to authenticate against Harvest to get your token.

Token must look like this:

from harvest.dataclasses import *

authorization_code_flow_token = OAuth2_ServerSide_Token(access_token="ACCESS TOKEN", refresh_token="REFRESH TOKEN", expires_in="EXPIRES IN", expires_at="EXPIRES AT")
authorization_code_flow = OAuth2_ServerSide(client_id="CLIENT ID", client_secret="CLIENT SECRET", token=authorization_code_flow_token, refresh_url="REFRESH URL")

How to use OAuth2 for Client Side Applications

You must create an OAuth2 Application in Harvest first. https://id.getharvest.com/developers

Then you need to authenticate against Harvest to get your token.

Token must look like this:

from harvest.dataclasses import *

implicit_code_flow_token = OAuth2_ClientSide_Token(access_token="ACCESS TOKEN", expires_in="EXPIRES IN", token_type="Bearer", scope=["Harvest:ACCOUNTID", "Forecast:ACCOUNTID"])

Run tests

From the root python-harvest_apiv2 directory

python -m unittest discover -p "*_test.py"


Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request and make sure you adhere to PEP-8 coding guidelines. I'll review your patch and will accept if it looks good.


No current TODOs. :D


python-harvest_apiv2 is licensed under Apache 2.0. See LICENSE for more details.