
HAL implementation in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


HAL implementation in Go.

HAL is a simple format that gives a consistent and easy way to hyperlink between resources in your API.

Halgo helps with generating HAL-compliant JSON from Go structs, and provides a Navigator for walking a HAL-compliant API.



go get github.com/jagregory/halgo


Serialising a resource with HAL links:

import "github.com/jagregory/halgo"

type MyResource struct {
  Name string

res := MyResource{
  Links: Links{}.
    Link("ea:find", "/orders{?id}").
    Add("ea:admin", Link{Href: "/admins/2", Title: "Fred"}, Link{Href: "/admins/5", Title: "Kate"}),
  Name: "James",

bytes, _ := json.Marshal(res)


// {
//   "_links": {
//     "self": { "href": "/orders" },
//     "next": { "href": "/orders?page=2" },
//     "ea:find": { "href": "/orders{?id}", "templated": true },
//     "ea:admin": [{
//         "href": "/admins/2",
//         "title": "Fred"
//     }, {
//         "href": "/admins/5",
//         "title": "Kate"
//     }]
//   },
//   "Name": "James"
// }

Navigating a HAL-compliant API:

res, err := halgo.Navigator("http://example.com").
  Followf("page", halgo.P{"n": 10}).

The following operations can be chained together to navigate a HAL-compliant API:

  • Follow(rel string) - Follow the relation rel
  • Followf(rel string, params P) - Follow the relation rel and use params to evaluate any underlying template.
  • Extract(rel string) - Fetch the location of an embedded resource named rel and navigate to the full representation of that resource (i.e., follow its self URI).
  • SetSessionHeader(header string, value string) - Set a new header to all requests in this chain (e.g., Authorization header)
  • AddSessionHeader(header string, value string) - Add a new header to all requests in this chain.
  • SetRequestHeader(header string, value string) - Set a new header to the operation immediately preceeding this call in the chain.
  • AddRequestHeader(header string, value string) - Add a new header to the operation immediately preceeding this call in the chain.

These chains can be terminated by the following requests (each of which returns an *http.Response or error):

  • Get(headers ...http.Header) - Perform a GET request (with optional additional headers)
  • Options(headers ...http.Header) - Perform an OPTIONS request (with optional additional headers)
  • Post(bodyType string, body io.Reader, headers ...http.Header) - Perform a POST request with body of content type bodyType (and optional additional headers)
  • PostForm(data url.Values, headers ...http.Header) - Perform a POST request with form data (and optional additional headers)
  • Patch(bodyType string, body io.Reader, headers ...http.Header) - Perform a PATCH request with body of content type bodyType (and optional additional headers)
  • Put(bodyType string, body io.Reader, headers ...http.Header) - Perform a PUT request with body of content type bodyType (and optional additional headers)
  • Delete(headers ...http.Header) - Perform a DELETE request (with optional additional headers)

In addition, following any request that returns a Location header (typically a Post), a new navigator instance can be created that is rooted at the location specified by the Location header by calling:

  • Location(resp *http.Response) - which returns either a new navigator or an error

Deserialising a resource:

import "github.com/jagregory/halgo"

type MyResource struct {
  Name string

data := []byte(`{
  "_links": {
    "self": { "href": "/orders" },
    "next": { "href": "/orders?page=2" },
    "ea:find": { "href": "/orders{?id}", "templated": true },
    "ea:admin": [{
        "href": "/admins/2",
        "title": "Fred"
    }, {
        "href": "/admins/5",
        "title": "Kate"
  "Name": "James"

res := MyResource{}
json.Unmarshal(data, &res)

res.Name // "James"
res.Links.Href("self") // "/orders"
res.Links.HrefParams("self", Params{"id": 123}) // "/orders?id=123"


  • Curies
  • Embedded resources