
A notepad application with angular 13, firebase, and angular material.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular version 13.1.2, for the styles I used the library Angular Material version 13.3.7, and for the backend I use the library Angular Fire version 7.3.0 to comunicate with firebase.


For this project we can signin with a mail or use an google account, once in the notepad we can create, archive, unarchive and delete notes, and signout.

For notes I generated an model interface with the followin properties: id, title, description, date, archived

To consume the firebase functions I create a service api.service.ts, where these functions are imported and used, most of them return a promise, so to avoid the asyncronity I use async / await, and the other functions return an observable.

From UI Kit I use the toolbar, icon, button, input, card, dialog and snackbar componets.

Live demo


El objetivo de este proyecto es compartir conocimientos y consejos sobre desarrollo y programación, y seguir aprendiendo con la comunidad.