
News Project. The objective is to providing real and genuine news to readers. Tools used- React, node.js, mongoDB

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


The Objective is to provide real and genuine news to the readers.

You can access the website Here

Tech stacks used

  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB

Contribution Guideline

All types of contributions are welcome.

If you are new to open source contributions, follow the instructions given in CONTRIBUTING.md.

Be respectful to everyone and follow Code of conduct.

Are we missing any of your favorite features, which you think you can add to it? We invite you to contribute to this project and improve it further.

How to start contributing?

Check if there are some open issues to work on. If you find any typo, bug or you have any feature request create a issue and ask Author or mentor to assign you.

Setting up locally

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. clone it.
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_UserName/dailymint
cd dailymint
  1. Open in the VS code(or any other you prefer)
code .
  1. Make sure your forked repo is upto date.
git pull origin main
  1. Make a seperate branch
git checkout -b branchName
  1. Make the required changes to solve the issue.

git add .
git commit -m "Relevant message"
git push origin branchName
  1. Open GitHub and make a pull request that will fix the issue.
  2. Congratulations!! You have successfully contributed. Now sit back and wait for the project maintainers response.

Discord server

Join our discord server to connect with other contributors, ask your doubts and stay upto-date.


Licensed under the MIT License

Our valuable Contributors

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