
CakePHP 2.x Trello API wrapper

Primary LanguagePHP

Trello Api Plugin for CakePHP 2.x

Wrapper for Trello API.


Get and install OAuth plugin from https://github.com/segy/OAuth

Edit TrelloApi.key and _TrelloApi.secret_in TrelloApi/Config/bootstrap.php
(get one from https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate)

Inicialize plugin in your application bootstrap.php with bootstrap option set to true

CakePlugin::load(array('TrelloApi' => array('bootstrap' => true)));

In controller:

public $components = array('TrelloApi.TrelloApi');

// in any of your methods
public function trello() {
	// save token to database, session, etc.
	if ($this->TrelloApi->getAccessToken())
		$this->Session->write('Trello.accessToken', $this->TrelloApi->getAccessToken());
	// if we have token
	if ($token = $this->Session->read('Trello.accessToken')) {
		// set token - automatically initializes Trello model
		// use Trello model to get data
		$data = $this->Trello->find('all', array(
			'type' => 'cards',
			'conditions' => array('member_id' => 'me', 'filter' => 'open')
	// if not, provide authorization link
	else {
		$this->set('link', $this->TrelloApi->getAuthorizationLink());


Look for possible API calls at https://trello.com/docs/api/index.html

For example to get all boards of current member (GET /1/members/me/boards):

$this->Trello->find('all', array(
	'type' => 'boards',
	'conditions' => array('member_id' => 'me')

Any optional parameters can be passed as condition:

$this->Trello->find('all', array(
	'type' => 'cards',
	'conditions' => array('member_id' => 'me', 'filter' => 'open')

Example for getting current member:

$this->Trello->find('all', array(
	'type' => 'member',
	'conditions' => array('id' => 'me')