HTML starter project

Getting started

If you don't have yarn or git installed, you'll need to install them before continuing.

You'll just need to clone this repository. If you are starting a new project, use

git clone

Finally, change to the project directory, install the required packages and build the project

yarn install && yarn run encore dev


To build your website, run:

yarn run encore [dev|production] # dev for development, production on for production

By default the public path is /build for development and / for production. If you need to change the public path, you can use the --env.publicPath parameter. eg:

yarn run encore dev --env.publicPath=/project-name/build

Additionally, you can change the output path with the --env.publicPath parameter. eg:

yarn run encore production --env.outputPath=/var/www/sites/


To automatically recompile your assets when they change:

yarn run encore dev --watch

Dev server

Start dev server. Default link is http://localhost:8080/

For more options, see:

yarn run encore dev-server --open

Included packages

Webpack Encore


Webpack Encore is a simpler way to integrate Webpack into your application. It wraps Webpack, giving you a clean & powerful API for bundling JavaScript modules, pre-processing CSS & JS and compiling and minifying assets.

To build assets, run:

yarn run encore dev

PostHTML "Extend" and "Include" plugins


These two packages allow some structure and reuse in your HTML code.

The "Extend" plugin allows you to create templates or "layouts" for your HTML. Layouts live in the src/layouts/ directory.

See src/index.html and src/layouts/app.html for more examples on how this works. The plugin documentation also contains good examples of how it works.

The "Include" plugin allows you to use code fragments or "partials" in your HTML code. Partials live in the src/partials/ directory.

You can include a partial (for eg. src/partial/header.html) with:

<include src="header.html"></include>

See src/index.html and src/partials/ for more examples on how this works.

Bootstrap 4


Feel free to use as much or as little of Bootstrap as you want. You can enable/disable any part of Bootstrap from src/assets/styles/_bootstrap.scss. All components are disabled by default. Be aware that some components may be dependent on others.

Bootstrap variable overrides go in src/assets/styles/_bootstrap-variables.scss. Rounded corners, gradients and shadows are all disabled by default.

Grid breakpoints sm and md are disabled by default, leaving only xs, lg and xl. Grid gutters are set to 0.

All of these changes make the size of Bootstrap smaller and easier to customise.

Description of directory structure

├── build/           # Compiled files. This folder will be overrwitten each build!
└── src/             # All source files go here
    ├── assets/      # All assets belong here
    |   ├── fonts/   # webfonts
    |   ├── images/  # images
    |   ├── scripts/ # javascript
    |   ├── styles/  # scss / css
    |   └── vendor/  # vendor packages
    ├── layouts/     # HTML layouts / templates
    └── partials/    # HTML partials

Drone Deployment

If you have a Drone server, you can setup automatic deployment. Use the following commands to configure Drone for your setup (replacing strings in square brackets with your config):

drone secret add --skip-verify --conceal --image drillster/drone-rsync [yourname/yourrepo] DEPLOY_KEY @[/local/path/to/your/deploy/key]
# eg: drone secret add --skip-verify --conceal --image drillster/drone-rsync thegallagher/myrepo DEPLOY_KEY @/home/david/.ssh/deploy_key

drone secret add --skip-verify [yourname/yourrepo] DEPLOY_HOST []
# eg: drone secret add --skip-verify thegallagher/myrepo DEPLOY_HOST ''

drone secret add --skip-verify [yourname/yourrepo] DEPLOY_PATH [/path/on/your/server]
# eg: drone secret add --skip-verify thegallagher/myrepo DEPLOY_PATH '/var/www/sites/'


For development of this package, you can test using:

yarn run encore dev-server --env.srcPath='./test' --env.outputPath='./test-build' --env.publicPath='/' --open