Demo Hybrid

1. Install Apigee hybrid

2. Ensure policy is not disabled

kubectl -n istio-system get cm istio -o jsonpath="{}" | grep disablePolicyChecks

Response: disablePolicyChecks: false

3. Enable injection

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

4. Clone this repo

git clone
cd apigee-hybrid-demo

5. Deploy httpbin and test ok

export GATEWAY_URL=???

kubectl apply -f httpbin.yaml
kubectl apply -f httpbin-gateway.yaml

curl http://${GATEWAY_URL}/headers

6. (Optional) Check that Istio policy is working using simple denier

kubectl apply -f denier.yaml

Let Istio catch up then try again

curl http://${GATEWAY_URL}/headers

Response: PERMISSION_DENIED:denier.default:Not allowed

Delete denier

kubectl delete -f denier.yaml

Verify ok again

curl http://${GATEWAY_URL}/headers

7. Provision hybrid for Istio adapter

export ORG=???
export ENV=???
export EMAIL=???

export TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
echo $TOKEN

apigee-istio-linux provision \
  --org $ORG \
  --env $ENV \
  --hybrid \
  --developer-email $EMAIL \
  --routerBase $HYBRID_RUNTIME_HOST \
  --token $TOKEN > handler.yaml

(use apigee-istio-darwin for mac)

8. Deploy adapter

kubectl apply -f adapter.yaml

Ensure it's running

kubectl -n apigee get po -l app=apigee-adapter

9. Apply Istio definitions, handler, rule, test

kubectl apply -f definitions.yaml
kubectl apply -f handler.yaml
kubectl apply -f rule.yaml

10. Follow standard Apigee adapter directions from this point: