
POC of an Istio APIM Helloworld using hard-coded Lua filters


install istio

kubectl apply -f $ISTIO/install/kubernetes/istio-demo.yaml

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

install workloads, virtualservices, gateway

kubectl apply -f operator/helloworld.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/httpbin.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/virtualservice-helloworld.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/virtualservice-httpbin.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/gateway.yaml

access virtualservices via gateway

curl -i -H host:httpbin.com 0/headers
curl -i -H host:helloworld.vs 0/hello

curl -i -H host:api.helloworld.com 0/hello

access api via gateway (fails)

curl -i -H host:api.helloworld.com 0/hello

apply authentication

kubectl apply -f operator/authentication.yaml

apply api gateway

kubectl apply -f generated/virtualservice-api-helloworld-com.yaml
kubectl apply -f filters/_claims-to-headers.yaml
kubectl apply -f filters/api-classification.yaml
kubectl apply -f filters/api-destination.yaml

curl -i -H host:httpbin.com 0/headers

curl -i -H host:helloworld.vs 0/hello

curl -i -H host:api.helloworld.com 0/hello

access via gateway

SILVER=`apigee-istio -o theganyo1-eval -e test token create -i 8B0pYeAZbC30xB1MJDEHup9YDWOV6y9A -s NJSzhph9QCZGIHt0`
apigee-istio -o theganyo1-eval -e test token inspect <<< ${SILVER}

curl -i -H host:api.helloworld.com 0/hello -H "Authorization: Bearer ${SILVER}"

GOLD=`apigee-istio -o theganyo1-eval -e test token create -i f9N8m6T4HGeOzojIKX9UrWsHbAW5pARG -s zqLlwIq9A6gXYfDp`
apigee-istio -o theganyo1-eval -e test token inspect <<< ${GOLD}

curl -i -H host:api.helloworld.com 0/hello -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GOLD}"


kubectl apply -f generated/policy-inject-response.yaml

curl -i -H host:api.helloworld.com 0/hello

access inside of mesh

kubectl apply -f $ISTIO/samples/sleep/sleep.yaml

SLEEP=`kubectl get po -l app=sleep -o 'jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}'`

kubectl exec -it ${SLEEP} -c sleep -- curl -i api.helloworld.com/hello -H "Authorization: Bearer ${SILVER}"

kubectl exec -it ${SLEEP} -c sleep -- curl -i api.helloworld.com/hello -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GOLD}"