
A simple GUI calculator🧮 built using C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple GUI calculator build using widget library of C++ that is Qt

screen shots 📸

- These screen shots were taken on Mac OS, result might varry according to your Operating System
- Also theme of the calculator(light/dark) will match with your system's theme
Light mode

light mode screenshot

Dark mode

Dark mode screenshot

requirements ✅

Qt creator or Qmake build system set up in your IDE

Setting up Qt 💻

  • Start by installing the Qt SDK from qt.io. I decided to go with the Open Source version
  • Qt Creator is a sort of an IDE with internal build tools. So currently, it's a good idea to install this.
  • We will not be using CMake since QMake comes bundled with the creator


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on the code of conduct and process for submitting pull requests to the repo.

Get it running 🏃‍♂️

  1. Set up Qt (if already done then skip this step)

    • Start by download and installing the Qt SDK from qt.io. I decided to go with the Open Source version
    • Qt Creator is a sort of an IDE with internal build tools. So currently, it's a good idea to install this.
    • We will not be using CMake since QMake comes bundled with the creator
  2. clone/download the repository

  3. Open QtCalculator => calculator.pro using Qt creator

  4. Once inside Qt creator click on configure Project options (it will configure the project according to your device) 👇

main screen

