Linux Setup Script

A Debian based setup script for your linux machine which can save your hours of time in searching & downloading the softwares & dependencies which you'll need for a hassle-free operation.

Note: This script is designed for Debian based distributions only.

How To Run

Running the script is quite easy & hassle free. Follow these instructions for smooth results:

  1. Download this repo in your Linux machine
  2. Open terminal in the repo directory
  3. Give execution permission to the script chmod +x
  4. Run the script & enter your password ./

What It Will Install


  • Android Studio
  • Chrome
  • GitHub CLI
  • Gnome Tweaks
  • Office365 Web
  • Slack
  • Spotify
  • TLP
  • ULauncher
  • VLC
  • VS Code
  • Zoom


  • asdf
  • cURL
  • Diff-So-Fancy
  • Brew
  • Git
  • Oh-My-Zsh
  • Snap
  • Zsh

Language Packages

  • Dart
  • Flutter
  • Gcc (C/C++)
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • NodeJS
  • Python