String Priority Queues and Empirical Evaluation

Primary LanguageC

String Priority Queues

Author: Gene Myers
First: Aug. 17, 2022

This repository contains the code and timing experiments for the paper ``Merging Sorted Lists of Similar Strings'' that is at the arXiv and currently under submission.

There are 5 programs that merge some number of sorted, non-redundant input lists of strings, into a single, non-redundant sorted list of all the strings. The IO for the five codes is identical, the only point of variation is how a priority queue of strings is realized. The five programs are:

  • Heap: uses a standard heap comparing string elements directly
  • Sheap: uses a string heap
  • Cheap: uses a collision heap but compares strings directly
  • SCheap: uses a combined string and collision heap
  • Trie: uses a compact trie, with S-element outedge array at each node

The Makefile herein compiles these codes and "make trials" will run the experiments reported in Tables 1 and 2 of the paper. The trials rely on two auxiliary programs, Rran and Cran, that generate synthetic data sets for the Uniform and Shotgun scenarios, respectively (see the paper).

I apologize that the trials for Table 3 on real data are not reproducible here, as the volume of data that would need to be stored at this repository seemed, to my mind, excessive in relation to its purpose.