
For The Odin Project. This app uses the API developed here. This features the use of Javascript to build an SPA, Javascript objects to maintain the state of the game, Promises (async/await) when fetching data from the API, and CSS Grid to style the HTML.

The app can be run here. It will present you with a list of challenges. Upon clicking you will be presented with a screen with two parts. On the left is a sideboard with the name of the challenge, how to play NOTE: if people are to be found, clicking their faces is how they are tagged; clicking on their bodies will do nothing. How much time remaining if it is a timed challenge, or the elapsed time if untimed is displayed below that. Below that is a list of items/people to find. Each time an item is found it will be striked out. Below the image are notices that tell you which image to click if it is a directed challenge; That is you must find the items/people in a certain order. If is a non-directed challenge it will just be a general message. Other notices will appear here such as the results of the challenge or error messages.