
OpenVJ (OVJ) is an open-source VJ program created using PureData.

Further documentation will be here soon.

For now,

Download Puredata.

Download OpenVJ2.pd and logi_gamepad.pd.

Plug in your USB Joystick Controller.

Start Puredata.

Open the OpenVJ2.pd patch.

Using a gamepad, the user has the ability to do the following:

Play / Pause 1: press button1 for video channel 1, button2 for channel 2. Video Mix: LR motion on Right Analog Stick Threshold: UD motion on Right Analog Stick Color Control: R2 + all motion of Right Analog Stick Kaleidoscope: R1 + all motion of Right Analog Stick Pixelation: L2 + all motion of Left Analog Stick Screen Multiplication: via L1 + all motion of Left Analog Stick Set Effect: Adjust parameters of any top R or L button then release top R or L button Left Effect Reset: Reset any Left controlled effect by Pressing Left Analog Stick Right Effect Reset: Reset any Light controlled effect by Pressing Right Analog Stick Resolution: Easily adjustable resolution through PD patch.

Explore, and have fun!