Learn how to use Cozy, host your own server and develop applications.
This documentation is built with MkDocs.
To hack the documentation, just edit the files inside src
If you want to see your updates, install mkdocs and the i18n extension of markdown:
Warning: while mkdocs supports Python 2 and 3, the current version of markdown-i18n only support Python 2
pip install --user mkdocs markdown-i18n
Run MkDocs:
mkdocs serve
And point your favorite browser to
To add a new language, copy mkdocs.yml
to mkdocs_lang.yml
, translate the pages title and update site_dir
and markdown_extensions.markdown_i18n.i18n_lang
You’ll require some Gettext utilities. On Debian GNU/Linux, install the gettext
Every time you run a build, MkDocs will update the i18n/messages.pot
When adding a new language, you first need to initialize the .po
file. For example, for french translation:
msginit --input=./i18n/messages.pot --output=./i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
To build the French version of the website:
mkdocs build -f mkdocs_fr.yml --clean
To test the whole site:
rm -rf docs/*
cp index.html docs/
mkdocs build -f mkdocs.yml
mkdocs build -f mkdocs_fr.yml
cd site/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
To update the translation file, use msgmerge
msgmerge --update i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po i18n/messages.pot