
Pi-hole and cloudflared in Docker via docker-compose

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Pi-hole and cloudflared in Docker via docker-compose

Getting Started

Assuming you have Docker installed...

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/thegreatsunra/pihole-cloudflared-docker.git
cd pihole-cloudflared-docker

2: Set up internal network:

Change the --subnet and --gateway values to match the configuration of your own network.

sudo docker network create -d macvlan \
  --subnet= \
  --gateway= \
  -o parent=eth0 priv_lan

TODO: Configure this internal network via docker-compose.yml


  1. Copy ./example.env to ./.env and update the variable values it contains as suits your purposes.

  2. From the project root, run the whole thing:

docker-compose -p pihole up -d
  1. Change the Pi-hole admin console password:
sudo docker exec -it pihole pihole -a -p


Update Pi-hole Gravity

sudo docker exec -it pihole pihole -g
