CogSci / Critical Thinking Youtube Channel

...come up with catchy title...

General thoughts

Structure of each episode

  1. present phenomenon/puzzle/dilemma (eg, thedress)
  2. explain basic science of the phenomenon (eg, basics of color perception, color constancy effect, other optical illusion)
  3. discuss implications (nature of reality?) and practical applications (how to check yourself before you wreck yourself)
  4. link further resources


  • short videos (< 10 min?)

  • include humans? or just animation & demos?


Any categorization is pretty arbitrary, but just for the sake of imposing structure: perception, reasoning, language, evolution. (To be expanded)


  • thedress (visual cognition, color constancy)

  • self-perception in photos

  • McGurk effect (multimodal integration)

  • Ganong effect (phonetic ambiguity resolution)


All kinds of biases! Make sure to always include discussion of why these are usually helpful but also sometimes catastrophically destructive

  • confirmation bias

  • bandwagon effect

  • wishful thinking

  • authority effect

  • black swans (Taleb-style)


  • sneaking information into common ground (presuppositions, "make america great again")

  • cooperativity and pragmatic inference (how to check whether someone is being less informative than necessary; i.e., how to think like a lawyer)

  • exploitation of relevance inferences (gluten-free meat, don draper's "toasted" lucky strikes)

  • why Siri is shit


  • what makes people attractive