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[Feature request] Multi scan & Multi page
#99 opened by abdallah-odeh - 1
- 19
IllegalStateException: Reply already submitted
#83 opened by kodega2016 - 10
APK size is too big
#94 opened by rajiniyadav - 1
No option to set limit of scans
#92 opened by AwaisQazii - 2
[React Native] iOS - Booting Doc Scanning From Landscape Causes Camera Orientation To Be Stuck
#90 opened by andrew-nguyen-mcs - 7
How to handle the Cancel event
#82 opened by rajiniyadav - 3
[React Native] IOS - Camera green LED
#89 opened by ilatour-dino - 0
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Retry button not working with custom config
#87 opened by aliza-khu - 4
Expo Development Builds
#78 opened by iorran - 1
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Android demo-custom is broken on latest commit
#71 opened by aelimill - 1
Way to show the ScanFragment without needing Activity to implement ScanFragment.CameraCallbackProvider
#74 opened by soymonitus - 1
Crash on app
#75 opened by AymenBenromdhane - 1
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Scanflow iOS with OCR creates duplicated images
#70 opened by limajr - 3
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Xamarin & ScanFlow: Is it possible to require a minimum document size for successful scan?
#68 opened by MihaMarkic - 2
Button is behind other interface elements
#69 opened by komritza - 3
Pdf File Size
#67 opened by komritza - 4
Generate pdf from Enhanced Url gives error
#65 opened by komritza - 2
Can I merge multiple pdfs into one
#64 opened by komritza - 8
Option to switch between single and multi page
#62 opened by komritza - 4
Pick images from gallery
#63 opened by komritza - 7
APK size too big
#61 opened by aliza-khu - 2
GSSDKCore does not contain bitcode.
#59 opened by aliza-khu - 7
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[Xamarin] Failed resolution of: Landroidx/camera/core/Preview$SurfaceProvider;
#56 opened by joshua211 - 1
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React Native localization
#28 opened by famaranon - 1
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ERROR ITMS-90208 on uploading to appstore
#50 opened by kmkrtich - 0
pod install issue
#45 opened by iOSharsh - 22
Xcode 'Archive' produces a corrupt archive
#44 opened by Victorien-T - 6
White screen on IOS
#43 opened by kmkrtich - 4
Build on Android : Could not find androidx.multidex:multidex:$multidex_version
#42 opened by LudoLamerre - 1
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[Android|beta] Simple Demo crashes when used with Pixel 4 XL API 30 (virtual device)
#37 opened by imanoupetit - 1
How to take image direct to croping page?
#39 opened by umerchaudhary34 - 3
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Scanning not working for iOS
#33 opened by kedardesai - 0
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Question: custom labels possible
#32 opened by SaschaA1982 - 3
Rendering-Problem on Android-Device(s)
#29 opened by SaschaA1982 - 8
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