
A Elixir client driver for RethinkDB.

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Elixir Rethinkdb Driver

wercker status

This is a prototype of a RethinkDB client driver written in Elixir. This driver utilizes Erlang R16B01 and Elixir 0.10.1.

Current version was tested: RethinkDB 1.8.1


Add the following to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

{ :rethinkdb, github: "azukiapp/elixir-rethinkdb" }


defmodule Simple.Marvel do
  use Rethinkdb

  def get(name) do

defmodule Simple.App do
  use Rethinkdb

  def start do

Usage in iex

Open connection and create a table:

iex> Rethinkdb.start
iex> use Rethinkdb
iex> conn = rr.connect(db: test)
iex> rr.table_create("marvel", primary_key: "name").run(conn)
{:ok, #HashDict<[created: 1.0]>}

Insert a document

iex> batman = [name: "batman", rich: true, cars: [1, 2, 3]]
iex> rr.table("marvel").insert(batman).run!(conn)
#HashDict<[deleted: 0.0, errors: 0.0, inserted: 1.0, replaced: 0.0,
  skipped: 0.0, unchanged: 0.0]>

Making life easier:

iex> conn.repl # now this connection is default
iex> table = rr.table("marvel")

Update document:

iex> table.get("batman").update(age: 30).run!
iex> table.get("batman").run!
#HashDict<[age: 30.0, cars: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], name: "batman", rich: true]>
iex> table[0]["name"].run!

Map a document with function:

iex> table.map(fn hero ->
  hero[:name].add(" ").add(hero[:age].coerce_to("string"))
["batman 30"]
iex> table.map(rr.row[:age].add(10)).run!


The Elixir driver is most similar to the official Python driver. Most of the functions have the same names as in the python driver.

Differences from official RethinkDB drivers

  • Due to a compatibility problem with the function of r iex, to run use Rethinkdb in iex, rr method is imported in place of the method r as is usual.


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