
merge tables that have with an interval index (eg from/to or start/end columns)

Primary LanguagePython


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1. Introduction

The purpose is to combine two data tables which have a linear segment index ("from" and "to" columns); ie where each row in the input tables represents some linear portion of an entity; for example a road segment from 5km to 10km.

There is an ongoing effort to accelerate and parallelise the merge function under a new repo called megamerge

2. Install, Upgrade, Uninstall

To install:

pip install merge_segments

To Upgrade:

pip install --upgrade merge_segments

To show installed version:

pip show merge_segments

To remove:

pip uninstall merge_segments

3. Module merge

3.1. Function merge.on_slk_intervals()

The following code demonstrates merge.on_slk_intervals() by merging the dummy dataset pavement_data against the target segmentation dataframe.

import merge_segments.merge as merge

segmentation = pd.DataFrame(
    columns=["road_no", "carriageway", "slk_from", "slk_to"],
        ["H001", "L",  10,  50],
        ["H001", "L",  50, 100],
        ["H001", "L", 100, 150],

pavement_data = pd.DataFrame(
    columns=["road_no", "carriageway", "slk_from", "slk_to", "pavement_width", "pavement_type"],
        ["H001", "L",  00,  10, 3.10,  "tA"],
        ["H001", "L",  10,  20, 4.00,  "tA"],
        ["H001", "L",  20,  40, 3.50,  "tA"],
        ["H001", "L",  40,  80, 3.80,  "tC"],
        ["H001", "L",  80, 130, 3.10,  "tC"],
        ["H001", "L", 130, 140, 3.00,  "tB"],

result = merge.on_slk_intervals(
    join_left=["road_no", "carriageway"],
        merge.Action("pavement_width",  merge.Aggregation.LengthWeightedAverage()),
        merge.Action("pavement_type",   merge.Aggregation.KeepLongest())
    from_to=("slk_from", "slk_to")

assert result.compare(
        columns=["road_no", "carriageway", "slk_from", "slk_to", "pavement_width", "pavement_type"],
            ["H001", "L",  10,  50, 3.700, "tA"],
            ["H001", "L",  50, 100, 3.520, "tC"],
            ["H001", "L", 100, 150, 3.075, "tC"],
Parameter Type Note
target pandas.DataFrame The result will have
  • The same number of rows as the target data frame
  • The same sort-order as the target dataframe, and
  • each row of the result will match slk_from and slk_to of the target dataframe.
data pandas.DataFrame Columns from this DataFrame will be aggregated to match the target slk segmentation
join_left list[str] Ordered list of column names to join with.
Typically ["road_no","cway"].
  • These column names must match in both the target and data DataFrames
column_actions list[merge.Action] A list of merge.Action() objects describing the aggregation to be used for each column of data that is to be added to the target. See examples below.
from_to tuple[str, str] The name of the start and end interval measures.
Typically ("slk_from", "slk_to").
  • These column names must match in both the target and data DataFrames
  • These columns should be converted to integers for reliable results prior to calling merge (see example below.)

3.2. Class merge.Action

The merge.Action class is used to specify how a new column will be added to the target.

Normally this would only ever be used as part of a call to the on_slk_intervals function as shown below:

import merge_segments.merge as merge

result = merge.on_slk_intervals(
    column_actions = [
        merge.Action(column_name="column1", aggregation=merge.Aggregation.KeepLongest(), rename="column1_longest"),
        merge.Action("column1", merge.Aggregation.LengthWeightedAverage(), "column1_avg"),
        merge.Action("column2", merge.Aggregation.LengthWeightedPercentile(0.75)),
Parameter Type Note
column_name str Name of column to aggregate in the data dataframe
aggregation merge.Aggregation One of the available merge aggregations described in the section below.
rename Optional[str] New name for aggregated column in the result dataframe. Note that this allows you to output multiple aggregations from a single input column. Can be omitted.

3.3. Class merge.Aggregation

The following merge aggregations are supported:

Constructor Purpose
merge.Aggregation.First() Keep the first non-blank value.
merge.Aggregation.KeepLongest() Keep the longest non-blank value. ( see notes below )
merge.Aggregation.LengthWeightedAverage() Compute the length weighted average of non-blank values
merge.Aggregation.Average() The average non-blank overlapping value.
merge.Aggregation.LengthWeightedPercentile(percentile=0.75) Compute the length weighted percentile ( see notes below ). Value should be between 0.0 and 1.0. 0.75 means 75th percentile.
merge.Aggregation.SumProportionOfData() The sum of all overlapping data segments, where the value of each overlapping segment is multiplied by the length of the overlap divided by the length of the data segment. This is the same behaviour as the old VBA macro.
merge.Aggregation.SumProportionOfTarget() The sum of all overlapping data segments, where the value of each overlapping segment is multiplied by the length of the overlap divided by the length of the target segment. This aggregation method is suitable when aggregating columns measured in Units per Kilometre or % of length. The aggregated value will have the same unit.
merge.Aggregation.Sum() Compute the sum of all data overlapping the target segment.
merge.Aggregation.Min() The minimum value in data which overlaps the segment in target.
merge.Aggregation.Max() The maximum value in data which overlaps the segment in target.
merge.Aggregation.IndexOfMin() The row-index in the data with the minimum value. After merging the index can be used to fetch things like "Surface Type" of "Oldest Surface" (ie minimum "Surface Year")
merge.Aggregation.IndexOfMax() The row-index in the data with the maximum value.

3.3.1. Notes about KeepLongest()

KeepLongest() works by observing both the segment lengths and segment values for data rows matching a particular target segment.

Note 1: If all segments are the same length but have different values, then the first segment to appear in the data input table will be selected. This 'select first' behaviour is determined by the internal behaviour of pandas and numpy and should not be relied upon to stay consistent in the future. Any random segment may be chosen:

Target Segment:       |==========================|
Data Segments:        |== 33 ==|== 55 ==|== 66 ==|== 77 ==|
KeepLongest:          |== 33 ====================|

Note 2: If the data to be merged has several short segments with the same value, which together form the 'longest' value then this longest non-missing value will be selected. For example in the situation below the data segment 55 is the longest individual segment, but 99 is the longest value. The result is therefore 99.

Target Segment:          |================================|
Data segment:      |=======55=======|==99==|==99==|==99==|==11==|
KeepLongest:             |=============99=================|

Note 3: Continuity of the data in KeepLongest is not considered. In the following example the value 55 is the longest continuous overlapping value, but the output 99 is selected because it is still the longest overlapping value when ignoring continuity.

Target Segment:          |==================================|
Data segment:          |==99==|======55======|==99==|==99==|==99==|==11==|
KeepLongest:             |=============99===================|

Note 4: Blank (numpy.nan) values are not considered when looking for the longest value. In the following example the KeepLongest will keep the value 55, even though the longest overlapping value is numpy.nan

Target Segment:          |=======================================|
Data segment:       |=== nan ===|== 55 ==|== nan ==|== nan ==|== nan ==|
KeepLongest:             |========= 55 ==========================|

Note 5: No rounding is performed to facilitate the behaviour described in Notes 2, 3 and 4. Data must be pre-processed if it is expected that issues regarding floating point number equality (ie 1.0 == 0.99999999999999999) will cause misbehaviour for the KeepLongest aggregation. Internally the pandas Series.groupby() function is used to choose the longest segment by grouping by segment values. Actual behaviour will depend on how that function is implemented by pandas internal code.

3.3.2. Notes about LengthWeightedPercentile(...)

A the 'length weighted' version of percentile is a fairly uncommon operation that only really makes sense when aggregating values for segments of varying lengths;

The procedure is similar to a normal percentile calculation in that it involves sorting the values to be merged in ascending order onto a vertical bar chart, then sampling the y value of the chart at some fraction (percentage) of the way along the x axis.

The 'length weighted' version provided by this package is very similar, except that the 'width' of the bars in the bar chart are increased to match the (slk) length of the segments they represent. Values are still sorted by ascending order along the x axis, not by length of segment. The percentage is then measured from the midpoint of the first bar to the midpoint of the last bar, and linear interpolation is performed between the midpoint of each bar in between.

      |                          _○_
      |                         |   |
      |                      ▴  |   |   <---- 75th percentile Value
Value |              _____○_____|   |
      |        __○__|           |   |
      |       |     |           |   |
      |  __○__|     |           |   |
      | |     |     |           |   |
           |<-----SLK Length----->|
           0%                ↑   100%
      75th percentile ───────┘

3.4. Practical Example of Merge

import pandas as pd
import merge_segments.merge as merge

# =====================================================
# Use a data class to hold some standard column names
# =====================================================
class CN:
    road_number = "road_no"
    carriageway = "cway"
    segment_name = "seg_name"
    slk_from = "slk_from"
    slk_to = "slk_to"
    pavement_total_width = "PaveW"
    pavement_year_constructed = "PaveY"

# =====================================================
# load target segmentation
# =====================================================
segmentation = pd.read_csv("network_segmentation.csv")

# Rename columns to our standard names:
segmentation = segmentation.rename(columns={
    "RoadName":     CN.road_number,
    "Cway":         CN.carriageway,
    "Name":         CN.segment_name,
    "From":         CN.slk_from,
    "To":           CN.slk_to

# Drop rows where critical fields are blank
segmentation = segmentation.dropna(subset=[CN.road_number, CN.carriageway, CN.slk_from, CN.slk_to])

# Convert SLKs to meters and round to integer
segmentation[CN.slk_from] = (segmentation[CN.slk_from]*1000.0).round().astype("int")
segmentation[CN.slk_to]   = (segmentation[CN.slk_to]  *1000.0).round().astype("int")
# Note that .round() is required, otherwise .astype("int") 
# will always round toward zero (ie 1.99999 would become 1)

# =====================================================
# load data to be merged
# =====================================================
pavement_data = pd.read_csv("pavement_details.csv")

# Rename columns to our standard names:
pavement_data = pavement_data.rename(columns={
    "ROAD_NO":          CN.road_number,
    "CWY":              CN.carriageway,
    "START_SLK":        CN.slk_from,
    "END_SLK":          CN.slk_to,
    "TOTAL_WIDTH":      CN.pavement_total_width,
    "PAOR_PAVE_YEAR":   CN.pavement_year_constructed,

# Drop rows where critical fields are blank
pavement_data = pavement_data.dropna(subset=[CN.road_number, CN.carriageway, CN.slk_from, CN.slk_to])

# Convert SLKs to meters and round to integer
pavement_data[CN.slk_from] = (pavement_data[CN.slk_from]*1000.0).round().astype("int")
pavement_data[CN.slk_to]   = (pavement_data[CN.slk_to]  *1000.0).round().astype("int")

# =====================================================
# Execute the merge:
# =====================================================

segmentation_pavement = merge.on_slk_intervals(
    join_left=[CN.road_number, CN.carriageway],
        merge.Action(CN.pavement_total_width,        merge.Aggregation.LengthWeightedAverage()),
        merge.Action(CN.pavement_year_constructed,   merge.Aggregation.KeepLongest())
    from_to=(CN.slk_from, CN.slk_to)


4. Notes

4.1. Correctness, Robustness, Test Coverage and Performance

This package aims to be as robust as its predecessor; an old VBA Excel Macro. The old Macro is well trusted and has a proven track record.

The merge function performs several checks before proceeding:

  • Some checking for correct parameter datatypes (ie target is a DataFrame, not a Series)
  • MultiIndex DataFrames are not permitted.
    • Originally this module was designed to work well with MultiIndexs but there are many unexpected situations where this causes cryptic warnings, misbehaviour, or even errors. I blame pandas for this, since in most cases these issues arise from un/poorly-documented pandas behaviour.
  • Duplicates in the index
  • Clashing column names

This list is not exhaustive, since there are many errors which can arise from malformed input data. We can't catch them all!

However, if we assume input data is well formed, then we can test to make sure we get correct outputs. Currently there is a limited suit of tests which run using the pytest library.

  • About 70% of the total functionality is tested
  • The other 30% has been extensively hand checked to confirm outputs are as expected.

Finally, performance is relatively poor, in the future, performance optimisations could be explored