
This is an auto-generated client library for Onfido's API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Onfido API is used to submit check requests.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 3.0.0
  • Package version: 5.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

Install using pip:

pip install onfido

Then import the package:

import onfido

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import sys
import onfido
import datetime
from pprint import pprint
from onfido.rest import ApiException

configuration = onfido.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'token=' + 'YOUR API TOKEN'
configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Token'

# Limit the at-rest region, if needed (optional, see https://documentation.onfido.com/#regions)
# configuration.host = configuration.get_host_from_settings(1, {'region': 'us'})

api_instance = onfido.DefaultApi(onfido.ApiClient(configuration))

# Setting applicant details

applicant_address = onfido.Address(
    street='Main Street',
    postcode='SW4 6EH',

applicant_details = onfido.Applicant(

# Setting check details

check_data = onfido.Check()
check_data.report_names = ['identity_standard']

# Create an applicant and then a check with an Identity report

    applicant_data = api_instance.create_applicant(applicant_details)
    applicant_id = applicant_data.id
    pprint('Applicant ID: '+applicant_id)
    check_data.applicant_id = applicant_id
    new_check = api_instance.create_check(check_data)
except ApiException as e:

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.onfido.com/v3

Class Method HTTP request Description
DefaultApi cancel_report POST /reports/{report_id}/cancel This endpoint is for cancelling individual paused reports.
DefaultApi create_applicant POST /applicants Create Applicant
DefaultApi create_check POST /checks Create a check
DefaultApi create_webhook POST /webhooks Create a webhook
DefaultApi delete_webhook DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_id} Delete a webhook
DefaultApi destroy_applicant DELETE /applicants/{applicant_id} Delete Applicant
DefaultApi download_document GET /documents/{document_id}/download Download a documents raw data
DefaultApi download_live_photo GET /live_photos/{live_photo_id}/download Download live photo
DefaultApi download_live_video GET /live_videos/{live_video_id}/download Download live video
DefaultApi edit_webhook PUT /webhooks/{webhook_id} Edit a webhook
DefaultApi find_addresses GET /addresses/pick Search for addresses by postcode
DefaultApi find_applicant GET /applicants/{applicant_id} Retrieve Applicant
DefaultApi find_check GET /checks/{check_id} Retrieve a Check
DefaultApi find_document GET /documents/{document_id} A single document can be retrieved by calling this endpoint with the document’s unique identifier.
DefaultApi find_live_photo GET /live_photos/{live_photo_id} Retrieve live photo
DefaultApi find_live_video GET /live_videos/{live_video_id} Retrieve live video
DefaultApi find_report GET /reports/{report_id} A single report can be retrieved using this endpoint with the corresponding unique identifier.
DefaultApi find_webhook GET /webhooks/{webhook_id} Retrieve a Webhook
DefaultApi generate_sdk_token POST /sdk_token Generate a SDK token
DefaultApi list_applicants GET /applicants List Applicants
DefaultApi list_checks GET /checks Retrieve Checks
DefaultApi list_documents GET /documents List documents
DefaultApi list_live_photos GET /live_photos List live photos
DefaultApi list_live_videos GET /live_videos List live videos
DefaultApi list_reports GET /reports All the reports belonging to a particular check can be listed from this endpoint.
DefaultApi list_webhooks GET /webhooks List webhooks
DefaultApi restore_applicant POST /applicants/{applicant_id}/restore Restore Applicant
DefaultApi resume_check POST /checks/{check_id}/resume Resume a Check
DefaultApi resume_report POST /reports/{report_id}/resume This endpoint is for resuming individual paused reports.
DefaultApi update_applicant PUT /applicants/{applicant_id} Update Applicant
DefaultApi upload_document POST /documents Upload a document
DefaultApi upload_live_photo POST /live_photos Upload live photo

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header
