An SDK for ZF*

Primary LanguageF#



You will need to have mono installed. Instructions for your OS can be found here. For Linux, you will need either the mono-devel or mono-complete package. Do not install mono from your package manager - follow the instructions on the mono website.

Linux / OSX

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run the following command. Note that this could take a few minutes.
    cd ZFS-SDK
    ./paket install


    USAGE: ZFS_SDK.exe --help
           ZFS_SDK.exe [< option >] <source file path>

        <source file path>      The ZF* source file to use

        --help, -h              Display this list of options
        --elaborate, -e         Elaborate The source File
        --verify, -v            Verify the source file
        --extract, -x           Extract the source file
        --compile, -c           Compile from source file
        --generate-fsx, -g      Generate a .fsx file to test the contract with
        --run-fsx, -r           Run the given .fsx file, automatically loading Zen dlls.