- 8
#75 opened by timknowlden - 0
Battery power
#79 opened by thearchitectuk - 1
- 2
#76 opened by timknowlden - 1
Feature Request: Nudge for calibration?
#77 opened by knissdesign - 1
- 10
Are 28BYJ-48 motors strong enough?
#45 opened by nuaimat - 4
6mm Square STL
#73 opened by pmontone83 - 2
- 4
Configuration Yaml Code
#71 opened by nofl3dp - 1
- 10
Integer Position
#40 opened by ledrewski3 - 2
- 1
- 11
Fault Pin Connected to 5v?
#37 opened by ryancasler - 0
- 1
Motor Still Not Turning
#67 opened by softtechs1 - 3
PCB Walkthrough?
#63 opened by petereit - 0
Readme diagram is labeled wrong
#65 opened by Llaves - 16
Motor Temperature
#50 opened by CalgaryCM - 44
Blind keep closing by there-self
#41 opened by jhppc - 1
Sleep wire ommision in diagram
#64 opened by mistamal - 2
- 4
- 1
motor rotate 1 way
#61 opened by pemulder73 - 0
Payload error (log and Google Home)
#59 opened by hans6910 - 1
My own Issue? Or a feature request - ESP32?
#58 opened by PzInTX - 4
Multiple Motors and 1 MCU Wiring ?
#57 opened by jeffdadamo - 1
exit status 1 no matching function for call to 'SimpleTimer::setInterval(int, void (&)())'
#56 opened by stanboyd - 2
Cannot Compile ST Sketch
#38 opened by ryancasler - 2
Latest version of Home Assistant doesn't show "open" or "close" after performing an action
#52 opened by ericullmann - 2
- 0
- 2
- 1
Raspberry Pi breadboard control works, but motor spins constantly when installed over longer wires
#51 opened by SummittDweller - 0
How to find broken or shorted part
#49 opened by xdenneboom - 1
NodeMCU USB port missing in IDE
#48 opened by xdenneboom - 3
- 1
This is awesome. That is all.
#43 opened by chadbailey59 - 1
Test Option with Mqqt commands [ Domoticz ]
#42 opened by Dylantje - 1
#33 opened by jenniferlee1818 - 2
hex connector
#44 opened by umairyounus - 1
Different holder
#39 opened by arcangel321 - 3
- 1
- 1
- 3
SCAD File for BlindsBase
#36 opened by dsandor - 1
- 0
Aliexpress purchase links
#34 opened by kiwijunglist - 0
motorized mqtt blinds won't upload
#30 opened by nickpesman