FAll22 ECE SoftwareLab

Senior Lab Project for 'Project Management' demo. Allows the creation of users, which are assigned to a
'Default' Project. Each project shares two hardware sets, to simulate the sharing of resources. 
Negative inputs for checking in or checking out hardware is treated as a positive number. 
Leaving a project is functional, user 111 and user 222 have multiple projects as of 12/1
 and can be accessed with password 'world'.
 12/20 User '555' created with password 'hello'

Created using NPX Create-React-App with Typescript framework, Flask Routing,
reacter-dom-v6 for multipage routing and pymongo as our database.
It's hosted using Heroku (if link still works) at 
https://software-lab-project.herokuapp.com/ (BROKEN)

UPDATE 12/20:
Migrated app to Render
Link: https://software-lab-project.onrender.com/

Frontend and routing written by Kenneth P. 
Backend by Spence S.
Debugging and emotional support by Michael R., Emma M., Aarya A.

🔌 https://github.com/thehubisgitted

Previous GitHub containing other commits: 

User Documentation

User Login

  • Sign In: To sign in a user must put in their User ID and password
    Screenshot 2022-12-01 170947
  • Create Account: A user account can be created by inputting a Username, User ID, password, and password confirmation Screenshot 2022-12-01 171306
  • Link: https://software-lab-project.onrender.com/

Project Registration/Views

  • All new registered users are initialized into the Default Project Screenshot 2022-12-01 171416

  • As of now, users can only register for projects manually through calling the function addUserToProjects()

  • The views page will show all Projects that a user is registered for, allowing for check-in and check-outs Screenshot 2022-12-01 190302

  • Users can leave projects br pressing the leave button next to the respective project

Hardware Set Page

  • The projects page shows the information for the current project, name, and availability
  • The main interface shows the availability of sets
    • A user can check in or check out hardware to/from either set by entering a value in the text field, and then clicking the check in or check out buttons for the respective hardware set to adjust the storage capacity for the project and set.
  • User is allowed to either log out, or leave the project by pressing the respective buttons Screenshot 2022-12-01 171622 Project Creation Page
  • Users can create a Project on this page
  • Must add themselves to a project using userID
  • Can have multiple users just have the IDs comma separated EX: 555,111,000 image